FAQs for Recentlybooked.com

Where do you get your data from?
We obtain our data directly from law enforcement websites across the country. All data published by them are public domain and we do not assume any copyrights to them. They are the sole copyright of the law enforcement office that published them originally.

I found my record on your site. Do you sell my data to anyone?
Absolutely not. We are not in the business of selling data.

What do you do with my data?
We collect the data and organize it so it is easily searchable. That’s it.

How often does your site update its data?
We attempt to update all counties at least once per day.

Can I pay you to take my photo off your site?
No. We do not accept payments of any kind. This is a completely free to use, passive website that contains publicly available information on the internet.

I found myself on your site, and my arrest was a mistake, I've been acquitted, or is no longer valid. Can you remove my record?
Please contact us at info@recentlybooked.com with any errors or questions. Please provide a URL to the page in question. We have million of records and we may not be able to find the record in question if you do not include a link...

Can I contact you for advertising opportunities?
We have ad spaces available if you are interested.. Please contact us at info@recentlybooked.com